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5 Self Care tips for quarantine

Hello All,

It is so hard being a stay at home mom, and it also very hard being a working mom. Due to Corona, a lot of us moms (and dad's) are playing both roles. Oh, I almost forgot, WE are also HOMESCHOOLING! HIJOLE! It took me a few days to realize that this is NUTS, cray-cray, unbelievable! How are we supposed to do it all. After a few weeks, I think I'm finally adjusting, but it still is not easy. After speaking to many of my girlfriends, real estate agents I work with, and the numerous amounts of facebook posts, I know I am not alone. We are all a little overwhelmed. Here are some tips that are helping me cope with our "new (hopefully not much longer) normal."

Tip 1

First thing I do, is get "my new version" of ready. I am definitely NOT using full on make-up like I normally do BUT I still try and look nice because it helps me feel better and more productive. I use this Mary Kay CC cream which gives me some color and a small glow, a little blush, a little mascara for my eyelashes and eyebrows, and then finally I use a little Burt's Bees and a tiny bit of lip gloss. THATS IT! Time to start my morning.

Tip 2

Stay hydrated! The second thing I do before everyone wakes up is I make myself a water in this mason jar. While my matcha latte is heating up, I make a list of the most important things I need to do.

Staying hydrated also helps me snack less throughout the day. I also feel a little more energized throughout the day, and overall feel a little healtheir.

Tip 3

Get moving! Even if all you do is some jumping jacks in your restroom while no one is watching, it is important to get your body moving. My routine has become, I make lunch for the kids and then I'll take a 20 minute walk to get out of the house and re-energize. Sometimes I wait for a conference call and walk the entire time of the call. I use notes on my iPhone to jot down important information. In the evening, I get a twenty minute work-out in.

Tip 4

Me time! I know it can be hard, but it is very important. If you are happy and feel taken care of, then you will feel happy taking care of the rest of your household. For as long as I can remember, my self care day has been Sunday. Do what works for you. I am even teaching Lailah the importance of doing this at least once a week.

It doesn't have to be all day. I can usually do it all in about an hour. I take a shower, put in a hair mask, do my nails, and relax with a face mask. During this time I take my laptop with me and I'll watch my favorite tv show, you tube, or I'll read a book. But I take this time for myself, so I start my week off on the right track.

Tip 5

Try and keep your same sleep time. I know it is easier said than done, but if you want to make this work, having enough hours of sleep is necessary! Try winding down at 9:00-9:30pm or whatever time you normally would before this happened. I know there are often times I have trouble sleeping, so here are three things I use to help me fall into a nice sleep.

1. Stress tea. The stress relief tea is a life saver! I used to enjoy a glass of wine, but this works so much better. I immediately feel a relieved and relaxed. It contains Kava. The benefits of Kava include making you feel calm, relaxed, and happy.

2. Vital Proteins Sleep. This shot is amazing. It contains melatonin which is a sleep aid. The bonus benefit is it contains collagen and Hyaluronic Acid, which helps to support skin hydration and elasticity. I don't ever feel groggy when I wake up but I do fall into a deep sleep.

3. CBD oil. One day a few months ago, my anxiety was through the roof and if I am being honest, every three to four months my anxiety acts up. I passed by a CBD store and thought, "Let me see what this is about." and ended up purchasing a bottle. I have to mention, my mom was completely against me trying CBD. She was concerned I would get addicted. I don't feel addicted at all. I only use it when I need to. I add a few drops of CBD oil to my stress tea. I do this two nights in a row, and then my anxiety is gone! Well, until the next couple of months.

I hope these are helpful. Hang in there, we will either get through this soon, or know how to get through this with good self-care habits.



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